Johnny goes to the library . . . .

My love of books began with a box of crayons. OH! how the black on white needed emphasis! I find my powers of research challenged as literature moves through the digital age. Graduate school presents new information for my enjoyment and consumption. READ ON!!!!!

My Photo
Location: mind

thinking about it?

Wednesday, February 06, 2008



Wednesday, April 18, 2007

2000 light years from home, mickey

"My fellow Merkans, I come to you with a heavy uhhhhhhh---YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! With no disrespect to Mesmer, this will be the last transmission. Yes JOJO, I am off to join the circus. I believe last weeks abstraction was Mesmer to the nth degree. Available to the masses everywhere on the planet via electronica, computers, or at least our little cultured community.

But I regress. Before my seasonal talent shizzles out to be reincarnated let us digress

It is time to bring this 4 month ride to a change, and to surmise exactly what it is we can use, or forget about, from what we have seen.

Libraries and archives are run, administered, and used by-----animals, who have tools to work with, albeit, electronic in many cases, tools nonetheless. "People in the know" speculate on how much of the hard copy will go away in the face of impending electronica.

Why did I select to research persons in the background of communication? Because among many options, expounding on something exposed for study during the course was offered as an option. There were obviously, may have been a world of possibilities to choose from, but this area interested me, because it grabbed me by the throat and tried to strangle me. I had to find other theories that had not been chosen, and figure why, to MY satisfaction. Feedback came from the students and instructor- so much food for thought. That reminds me of the time a Colonel in the Army was getting ready to throw me out of a military school for, says he "You are arrogant and have bad attitude." I told the dumb bastard that "was some food for thought" "thur, yea thur" and left the school, to be subject to a Congressional investigation for years. When I came to begin library studies I realized there were a few men in the forefront of the field- checking out books and helping little people find books. And my perception was librarians were a domicile for little old ladies left behind by society. While both of these views are only partially correct, and changing in the real world- I think- I became immersed in the studies of all who wish to succeed in this profession. It has always been my opinion that people talk too much about things they know nothing about, or know about vicariously, i. e., they heard something from somebody, orthey watch too much TV. Fine with me. But dont tell me how to be a sheep like the rest of the mindless. I could have gone with info presented in any of the world' newspapers, or a TV show (LEAVE IT TO BEAVER!), or other readings. My info came from selected sites found by "googling." And like anything, I could have been bogged down in a quagmire of available information, if it had been much more than totally boring, and I- totally bored.

So, once again in my life quest, for how I am going to spend the rest of my time walking this void, I am caught in an enema, by an enemy, in a dilemma. What to do? Although communication is vital- just like the internet, people are full of good & bad info- just how to figure out between the 2. How best can one spend one's time? In a recent DAILY SHOW with John Stewart, Leonid Brezinski, former National Security Advisor for Jimmy Carter, stated point blank "Our's is an ignorant society,"


Thursday, March 29, 2007

hcraeseR snoitarepO

It has been so many years since I have been involved with coordinating & reporting. In the early 70s I was a management trainee at Chevrolet Spring & Bumper (gone with OSHA), learning all that could be packed into our heads at GMs Technical Institute’ Cooperative Education program. Hearing about it, learning about it, and using are it are 3 different animals. And now—37 years on—the ghosts of professors longgone come back to haunt me in this chapter.

It was like—yeah, I remember a lot of this from the classroom, the production floor, and the Engineering offices. As I read on, keeping in mind both practical & learning experiences from the last 4 decades, I put together in my mind’ eye, what might be, could be, may be happening, or could be developed, now that computers have, and continue to evolve. The movie “TRON” comes to mind, where “Central Controller” orders around “electron personnel” to do its dirty deeds. Much like goes on today, with all the control, requirements, techniques, standards, blahblahblah, etc, then TOOLS (cost benefit analysis, benchmarking, program evaluation & review techniques, information systems, time & motion studies—I’m about there), and OPERATIONS RESEARCH.

I never caught on to this area—it was too advanced, with several techniques available for study—just never got it. But here on page 433 of text was a pert, concise, up to date definition: “Operations Research is an ‘experimental and applied science devoted to observing, understanding and predicting the behavior of purposeful [worker-machine] systems, and operations researchers are actiavely engaged I applying this knowledge to practical problems.’” (Stueart & Moran. (2002).). Another thing that grabbed me was on p. 434: “. . . this method demands some knowledge of mathematics and statistical concepts, and these are areas where librarians are thought to be at their weakest; we have realied heavily on nonlibrarians to provide this expertise.” Who might these nonlibrarians be that are so interested in how we check out a book. Is there so much to it?

Then I bounce back to the chapter 8 reading list (p. 208) at the beginning of that chapter, and notice a title: “Crawford, Walt, and Michael Gorman. Future Libraries: Dreams, Madness,and Reality. Chicago: American Library Association, 1995.” and everything fell into place—where exactly I don’t know, but I feel much better now. Oh—the book will be back on P-K shelf shortly.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007




Handout#1. LibQual+ charting library service quality. When I saw this article my first thought was man! are they milking these poor people for all they can get or what? Then I figured- why not? All other aspects of our lives are used and abused. But seriously. . . . Having just taken up serious studies in this field one begins to notice that the educators, facilitators, etc, in the field also take the field and themselves seriously, and try to convince others to do the same, for survival, or satisfaction, or monetary support for one thing or t’ other.
To be a commodity, that commodity must be needed, desired, and used. Whatever that field can do to convince people they are necessary is probably necessary, even though they may be buying into a lie. But I suppose at some point one’ ideals are worthless in the real, antagonistic world, so get on with business, and may the best situation win.

It may be library use will decline with the emergence of the digital domain. I for one have stockpiled enough books to keep me busy in reading till the end of my life, along with instruments to create the sounds of a cultured environment. So when I retire before really getting into the field, I wish you all good luck. I am going to enjoy!!!!!

Handout#2. Perspectives on user satisfaction surveys. By the time you get to page 6662 you have just got to stop and wonder, did anybody besides me actually try to read this most boring of articles? On my personal scale of boredom, which is seldom required, it ranks way down there with Mein Kampf- itself the MOST BORING PIECE OF RAMBLING PULP FICTION I EVER ATTEMPTED TO READ. As a harbinger it was a definite struggle to keep awake (didn’t get very far). Oh joy! on page 6682- something about a futuristic study!

Handout#4. The Promise of Appreciative Inquiry in Library Organizations. After two articles and a website on quality this article sounds interesting- a just reward for submission to the punishment. People pay big bucks for that kind of analysis.

I am reminded abut a wise man once thought “One man’ nirvana is another man’ hell”- oh wait- that was me.

One thing leads to another and soon its back to the same old mutual (cant think of a PC term) society. Reminds me of those nature shows where there are entire civilizations of creatures sucking the life blood out of larger creatures by attaching to their epidermal layers.

Dwell on this abstraction from the article:

“. . . . appreciative. . . mystery. . . marvel. . . high futures. . . hopes. . . dreams. . . images. . . peak experiences. . . highest aspiration. . . envisioning. . . placebo. . . physical. . . psychological. . . emotional. . . medicine. . . expectations. . . future. . . reality. . . interpretations. . . multiple realities. . . journey to the future. . . the unknown. . . seductive. . . deep and sustained. . . change. . . discovery. . . dream. . . design. . . destiny. . .variety. . . informally. . . light. . . high performance. . . experiences. . . stories. . . behavior. . . reveal. . . aspirations. . . interact. . . influence. . . creative. . . thinking. . . influence. . . creative. . . thinking. . . feeling. . . peak experience. . . enabled. . . creation. . . the fifth discipline. . . mastery. . . change. . . collaboration. . . dynamic. . . shapes. . . articulations. . . deeper levels. . . varies. . . awareness. . . habit. . . evolution. . . possibilities. . . seeing. . . relevant. . . effort. . . latent. . . life. . . learning. . . growth. . . development. . . groups. . . appreciative. . . shifting patterns. . . devil’ advocate. . . angel’ advocate. . . suggestion. . . scenarios. . . ideas. . . core. . . effect. . . bold actions. . . pressing problems. . . focus. . . administer. . . full range. . . optimism. . . intentions. . . strengths. . . complex. . . transformational. . . inception. . . assure. . . whirl of change. . . option. . . fixed. . . change at the speed of imagination.

But it reads well. And, as a direct confrontation to the interventionist mentality, it probably makes more sense than intervention management. Just try instituting it among the masses. But I don’t know? Have you got a light? Using this for a framework one might talk one into anything under any circumstance. I might be patronized.

Monday, March 12, 2007

number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine . . . .

This search into personality instruments is beginning to drain my creativity on the subject- I think that may be the point- not a healthy thing- but much wanted in a society where a majority of followers are needed by a minority of leaders to do whatever the leader cant do wont do dont want to do, so the leaders can maintain their high and mighty lifestyles they have become accustomed to. Things havent really changed in 10000 years

IM HAVING A VISION. so you see kiddies the whole point to the new unified personality instrument testing theory is to enjoy- yes it shows enjoy- getting the system' message shoved into your collective existence anyway we know how. In the remaining days i'm going to create a personality tool- make it completely detachable- so all you have to do is screw it on & take it off, or vica versa. So dont get to attached to Jung- them days are long gone. We gonna go with an off the wall, untried, untested design on the hearts & "minds" of the audience. I got the hardware to sell product (meditation mats, t-shirts, sunglasses, pamphlets describing in painful detail all the possible intricacies, multicolored shrinkwrap in a variety of shapes and sizes, miscellaneous paraphanalia- anymore ideas? A partnership may be on order!@#$%^&*()_+=-~`?/><"':;

psycho logicalists on a pair a dice

I been thinking about it. Its not every lifetime (if ever) you up & find something good in the field of personality instruments. So Carl Jung unknowingly created proteges/followers who tickled the fancies of one captive audience.

Its time to move on. What other sideshow attractions await us in the hall of mirrors--the personality game--this fiasco of life???

Right off the top of my head all I can think of is Freud, someone who obviously had a lot of (possibly negative) influence on humanities which had access to translations of his works. Speaking of which--how do you figure a cokehead like Freud convinced the world that things go better with coke? They cleaned up the soda, but dirtied up our "minds." Isnt it amazing how the slightest suggestion of a suggestion sugggesting something is ate up like so much apolacray.

How about Mesmer? Wonder what he did with personality testing, or convincing us that we needed to do something?


All right- I think weave got Carl Jung figured out, and best summed up by the Moody Blues in their 1968 album In search of the lost chord (House of four doors). If youre not lost now you never will be.

So lets move on. Why do people so need these tests. Some theorists have the power and money to have their products introduced to the captive audiences among the masses. Lets scrap the peanut gallery and go to the master.

Franz Anton Mesmer has been dead since March 5, 1815, following his “discovery” of the subconscious……………{go the days of future past—next time}

Friday, March 02, 2007


Ive been working on the assignment #4 for a while now (about 10 minutes- seems like 10 hours), when the Abilene Paradox goes trotting through my head, and wouldn’t leave. Luckily I began thinking. As I thunk, I thunk about maybe other paradoxae? Thank god there are- possibly more interesting paradoxica. I’d hate to be stuck in a Abilene frame of mind.

Defined, a paradox is described in shades ranging from opinion, belief, hard to believe, contrary, absurd, self-contradictory, counter-intuitive, intrinsically unreasonable, logically unacceptable,

Anyways it happens there are logical (self-referential, vagueness), mathematical and statistical (probability, infinity, and geometry and topology), decision theoretic, chemical, physical, philosophical, economic, and miscellaneous (bracketing, buttered cat, ethics, proof that 0.999=1, logical fallacy, puzzle) paradoxas.

It also happens the Abilene paradox is a economic paradox, along with the other common economic paradoxes: Allais, Bertrand, Diamond-water, Edgeworth, Ellsberg, Gibson’s, Giffen, Jevons, Leontief, Thrift, Parrondo’s, Productivity, Solow computer.
The Ellsberg Paradox is named for that pioneer of Nixon years, Daniel Ellsberg, a former American military analyst with the Rand Corporation, who released the Pentagon Papers, the account of activities of Vietnam. Wikipedia states “(t)he Ellsberg paradox is a paradox in decision theory and experimental economics in which people’s choices violate the expected utility hypothesis. It is generally taken to be evidence for ambiguity aversion. The paradox was popularized by Daniel Ellsberg, although a version of it was noted considerably earlier by John Maynard Keynes.” Thank you, Daniel Ellsberg, made the man a underground subculture hero when Bloodrock immortalized him on their 1972 album Passage- that song is also why I just bored you with this otherwise obsolete information.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


As promised we shall continue our journey through the, for lack of a better idea, the mind. As you may recall, or for you new comers, we are looking at post-Jungian learning instruments. This weeks collaborator is after my heart- he has the most colorful sight to date- watch out kiddies?

The Kiersey Temperament Sorter-II is a FREEBIE, 70 question instrument that "helps individuals discover their personality type." According to the Temperament Theory people can be sorted into one of four groups. This follows the Jungian construct, and the post-Jungian constructs, of sorting people into four groups of something or other.

Four preference scales sort testees into one of four temperaments, and one of 16 character types.The preference scales measure:
Expressive vs Attentive
Observant vs Introspective
Tough-minded vs Friendly
Scheduling vs Probing

So far it looks like to me he covers a wider range of a personality than the other two instruments we have looked at. What looks more interesting yet is the four temperaments into which a person can be tested into- if they dont already have any ideas about theirselves. Covered are:

Artisans (composers, crafters, performers, promoters)
Idealists (healers, counselors, champions, teachers)
Rationalists (architects, fieldmarshals, inventors, masterminds)
Guardians (inspectors, protectors, providers, supervisors)

Herr Doktor: fieldmarshals? (1940s?)
: masterminds? reminds me of Megadeth' Cryptic Writings (1997) CD
: While reading this site the same feeling came over as when I began to hear and see clips from Forrest Gump. I havent seen it to date for fear of the literal virtual lobotomy. To much information usually forces out critical brain cells, leaving me lacking in one sense or another

Personally, I fall way into the artisan hole, although I had to take a close look at the rationalists. Remember, Jung worked his theories during the first half of the twentieth century, basically. With so many options in which to land your personality, and so many descriptions laid out for you by the Keirsey Advisor Team, you might be better off just picking a few categories for yourself, and trying them out for a while, prior to taking the test. As with most ventures in life, once you get good at something, leading the gullible onwards becomes folly for the fuel.

The Keirsey Advisor Team, like others, has a sideline of articles to help testtakers: reports, maps, paper, pencils, original and student versions in foreign languages, alone or packaged together in bundles.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Academia- we like this one. I bought it without taking a test drive. Someone ought to be persuaded to put a little personality back into personality testing- what do you say? next time: never you mind hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha